Make Something Happen!

  When a man walks in authority, he’s walking in his power. If God has allowed them to have breath in their body, then there is still more work for them to do. A good man knows that they have to build their resume with something before they stand before God. 
    It’s grinding time! God is calling all of us to our work stations. We must work while it’s day! Don’t let the windows close. Seize the opportunities! 
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Your Next Move Is Your Best Move

This next move that you’re getting ready to make, will be the best move. Our father wants you to have a fulfilled life. The best is yet to come! 

   We have to recognize God for who He really is! He is the master provider! God will hear your cry & search for you. If you are lost, God will come to find you. He knows exactly where you are in your life and wants to rescue you.  Read more…

Do You See It Yet?

 Do you see it yet? If you can see it you can feel it. If you have a thorn in your side, God is still able to move in your life! When Jesus sees an opportunity to give spiritual sight, he makes it happen. God is about to work a miracle for you just like He did for the people who had not eaten in 3 days in the book of Mark. Jesus fed more than four thousand people. All the people that ate were satisfied. If He did it for them, imagine what He will do for you. Read more…

God is Love!

Our Father in heaven demonstrated how much love He possessed for us when He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for all of  our sins. He did this so that we may have life, and have it more abundantly. It is a blessing to know that we are not forced to serve a defunct god. Read more…